Friday, November 11, 2016

Yesterday we learned how properly dress and undress ourselves in personal protective equipment when caring for a person with one of the airborne diseases we learned about, for example tuberculosis. Alison and Dan were chosen to demonstrate for us. First, put on the blue plastic gown, thumbs through the holders and tied in back. Next, cup the mask in your palm and hold it over your face. With your free hand, place the first elastic around your head over your ears,  and the second elastic over your head below your ears. Cup the mask and press firmly onto your face to fit. Next, apply goggles and hair net, covering all exposed hair. Next, put on gloves and be sure to pull them down over the wrist of the blue gown.
To remove the PPE is also a stepwise process. First, pull the gown from the chest and rip off, then roll it inside out and dispose of it in the proper garbage pail. Next, apply hand sanitizer. After this, using your pointer fingers only,

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