Thursday, November 24, 2016

Dengue Vaccine Development

On Thursday morning, we visited the Center for Vaccine Development at Mahidol University. I think that many of us agree that Dr. Sutee Yoksan was our favorite lecturer of the trip! He explained to us the need and establishment of the Dengue vaccine and all the work that he has put into its development. He has really been a leader in the vaccine research and development and it was a truly amazing experience to hear him speak about everything he has done. He has even worked on research in vaccine development for Zika and Chikungunya and works with large drug companies such as Sanofi. Dr. Yoksan was a very enthusiastic presenter and loved to crack jokes throughout the day. He was so brilliant and really tried to help us understand everything he does. His enthusiastic speaking really kept us on our toes!

Dr. Yoksan explaining vaccine response research with agar plates

Dr. Yoksan discussing the comparison of virus samples coming from other countries. The box on the floor behind him is a box of Zika viruses from Vietnam.

The whole group in front of the vaccine development center with Dr. Yoksan.

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