Monday, November 7, 2016

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Today's visit to Hua Chiew Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital included a tour of the pharmacy, which dispenses its medicine in different formulations, including Chinese herbs, capsules, and powder.  Pictured below is an example of one of the medications in capsule form (containing over a dozen active ingredients), used to treat heart palpitations, forgetfulness, insomnia, and disturbed sleep.


There are over 4,000 types of herbs used; these herbs may be dried or "processed", using fire, honey, or alcohol.  In some cases, the herbs may be boiled into a tea, which the patient drinks.  Pictured below are some of the animal products used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  For example, centipedes are used to treat pain and are said to work "better than morphine", a drug in the opioid analgesic class of medications.  Also pictured is a leech, used as an anticoagulant (to stop blood clotting).         

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