Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Grand Palace

     Today we were able to explore a few of Bangkok's biggest tourist attractions. Our day included a visit to the majestic Grand Palace.The Grand Palace complex includes the royal residences, throne halls, government offices as well as the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. The landmarks of the complex include the Chakri Maha Prasat Hall and The Temple of the Emerald Buddha. The hall was originally used as the royal residence but today is used for state banquets. The temple is considered the most sacred Buddhist temple in Thailand, so sacred that photographs inside the temple are prohibited. Both are essential to Thai culture and history.

      While millions have visited the Grand Palace, today's visit was very unique as it was the very first day the palace has been opened for tourism since the passing of his majesty the king. Since the king's death in mid October, the palace complex has been closed to tourist as the nation of Thailand mourns it's loss. The king's body continues to remain at the Chakri Maha Prasat hall as the mourning period continues. The historic experience made us not only travelers but also historians. The end of our visit gave us another unique experience, as we were able to see motorcade carrying members of the roya family arrive at the palace for a ceremony.

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