Sunday, November 20, 2016

Visit to Wat Phra That Doi Suthep

Today we visited Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, a temple located high in the mountains of Chiang Mai. This temple was founded in 1383, however the winding road up the mountain wasn't built until 1935. The temple had beautiful architecture and even a meditation pavilion overlooking the city of Chiang Mai.

After driving the vans to the mountain top we had to climb a never ending staircase to see the Doi Suthep Pagonda. There were over 300 steps to get to the top!

Jen and I about to climb up
the staircase to reach the temple
When we got to the top it was well worth it! There were so many beautiful structures to look at. The views were also amazing. We could see all of Chiang Mai and the surrounding mountains.

Devon C, Devon G, Dr. Krebs, and Jen
 in front of the Dog Suthep Pagoda
A photo of one of the many Buddha sculptures at
the temple-Photo credit to Devon C.
A beautiful view overlooking the
mountains from above the clouds

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