Sunday, November 13, 2016

Kristy Nguyen: Student spotlight

As a student pharmacist transitioning into a new practitioner, I want to appropriately equip myself with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide quality patient care.  While I have been impressed with my experiences within the States, Thailand offered something truly extraordinary.


From this rotation, I came in with the expectation of coming out a different person.  Even in my two weeks here thus far, I have fostered an appreciation for hospitality and joy in the workplace, learned how to immerse myself into new experiences, and mastered applying bug spray (my first week of lackadaisical bug spray application had itchy consequences)!


This Thailand international experience offers enlightening learning opportunities to include education on international health-systems, universal coverage and care concepts, as well as traditional Chinese and Thai medicinal methodologies.  Every day is a new and different learning experience, but one thing remains constant: the smiles, both of the health care practitioners and of the patients they care for.


I hope to bring back with me the passion of Thai health practitioners, who ensure that there is diligence in healthcare protocols, who educate themselves to be advanced and progressive, and who wake up excited to care for their patients.  It is this passion that has truly inspired me; I encourage everyone to find their own adventure that inspires them to be the best health care professional (and person) they can be.


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